Part 1: Benjamin Goes on a Journey
1. Benjamin Goes on a Journey
All right, youve got eight characters unless youre cool with Benjamin.

Mystic Quest immediately throws you into the actionBenjamin is scaling the

Hes taking this quite well, all things considered.

Jumping is cool. You can traverse any obstacle a square wide. It makes a great noise too.

It also looks really dorky which is fantastic

Immediately after Benjamins daring leap, the hill starts sinking.

Thats it! Thats the entire plot!

This green thing with horns phases into existence.

Benjamins first scuffle! As you might notice, the battle menu is pretty self-explanatory. Battle will bring up our attack options. You will never run in Mystic Quest. Control will change our party member between receiving their commands manually or acting on their own automatically. More on that when its actually relevant.

If you have ever played a video game in your life, Im sure you can figure out what these options mean. Benjamin can hit things with his sword, cast magic, use items, or waste a turn.

One of my favorite things about Mystic Quest is getting to see your weapon clobber some shmuck with a super satisfying noise. Shwing, in the swords case. With each new weapon we collect, the animation and sprite will very slightly change. Kinda cool!
Enemy attacks are pretty dull in comparisonfor the most part youll just shake and take damage. Some can be sorta funny, though.

Another nifty little visual detail is that enemies appearances will change the more you wail on them. It makes the battles feel less static and your foes look hilarious, so whats not to love?

In any case, thats how battles play out. It gets very slightly more complex (mostly in the way of enemies being weak to certain types of attacks) through the course of the game but it stays about as simple. Its pretty appropriate since Mystic Quest was more or less intended to serve as a tutorial altogether.

Benjamin easily slays the tutorial and the old man reveals that the whole knight deal was more of a lucky guess than anything.

Youll be seeing our boy Ben do that a lot

And then he just flies away. Benjamin is left flabbergasted.

As Benjamin departs for the forest, the entire mountain range just falls into the clouds. Nobody you meet notices or cares about this.

Yup, those sure were some instructions? He flies away again and Benjamin just doesnt know what the hell anymore.

I bet that other old guy also has a problem so lets go see whats up.

He doesnt think to move out of the way so Benjamin soars over the old mans head and pushes the boulder aside.

Maybe stop tearing branches off of the trees, you nut.
Next time: Benjamin meets Kaeli and does some deforesting
I hand it over to you now, thread. Will Benjamin stay as such or do you have a new name for him? The character limit is 8 so have at it!